Each diet plan is individualized on your individual life style.

When I organize your diet or I call it meal plan I take in consideration many factors. Your life in the past, your life now, your previous habits and now your daily habits are also very important.. Your most favorite food, and your less favorite food are also important for you and your meal plan. Sometimes I use your blood type preferences especially if you are a bit completed case. Food digestion, your metabolism and food allergies are also important for well-balanced meal plan. 


All of this will guide me to your goals and your needs.

You will never starve yourself and I won’t do anything to lower down your immune system.

Detox, vitamins and minerals or food replacements (supplements like protein, glutamine or BCAA, of course if you want to use them) are included in your meal plan.


Every detail will be covered.

My goal is to teach you and bring to healthy life style.

My meal/nutrition plan is based on more than 10 years’ experience with wellness, training and nutrition and knowledge gained from ISSA (International Sport and Science),  PTA Global (Personal Training Academy Global), Xsport Fitness University.

In the most of cases my clients are not located near me, so I will teach you and point you where you can do the necessary measurements what you will need to do and provide me. IT IS EASY

If you are located near me and visit my office I will do the necessary measurements for you.

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